Chapter 175: Escaping Danger

"Impossible, how could his aura disappear?" Wei Guang, standing on the ground, wore a face of disbelief.

He had been using a special method to trace Jiang Xiaobai's original aura, a unique imprint, which would not vanish unless he died.

Precisely within a certain distance, he could always locate Jiang Xiaobai.

But now his method had failed?

This was the last place Jiang Xiaobai's aura had been detected. But after they landed, there was no trace of him - not even a hair.

"What's going on?" The exotic woman's face was full of fury. How could they have lost him?

"I lost his trail. This kid must have found a way, it's just strange. How did he manage to block my search?" Wei Guang frowned deeply.

"Mr. Wei Guang, how can your tracking method be broken?"

The exotic woman frowned: "Aren't you tracking his original aura? As long as he's alive, he should not be able to lose his direction, right?"

"Indeed, that's the case."