Chapter 179: Into the Gun's Mouth

If someone is out for his life and Jiang Xiaobai doesn't get his revenge, wouldn't that be a loss of face?

"I've always been someone who repays kindness and avenges wrongs. There's no way I'm letting these bastards get away with messing with me!"

Jiang Xiaobai snorted, his face full of anger: "So many Transcendence late-stage powerhouses are after me. Damn it! Why not just send Dividing the gods stage to deal with me and kill me directly?"

"Ahem, Boss, Dividing the gods stage are the big shots! They are beyond our league."

AnRan waved his hand: "And, don't assume there are many of them. Among the disciples of the Four Sects and Five Mountains, only three are at the Dividing the gods stage!"

"Oh? Only three? Does that even count as top-notch strength?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes nearly popped out.


AnRan almost choked on his liquor. He hurriedly covered Jiang Xiaobai's mouth and looked around to make sure no one had heard them. Only then did he relax.