Chapter 190: Let's Take Him Down

Jiang Xiaobai, following AnRan, was momentarily stunned but quickly remembered that he had asked AnRan to place a bet for him earlier.

He couldn't help but chuckle.

"For someone as unknown as me to challenge a sect's saint, the odds must be high, right?" Jiang Xiaobai said.

AnRan, walking ahead, seemed a bit excited, "Not high, just one to five."

"Damn, only one to five? They think so little of me?"

"Well, the odds for others are one thousand to one..."

"That's better, balances things out a bit."

But as Jiang Xiaobai was speaking, he felt something was off about AnRan; his eyes were filled with excitement.

He had seen that look a few times; it was the same one AnRan had when watching him barbeque meat.

He couldn't help but wonder, how much had the kid bet to get so excited?

"How much did you bet?"

At his words, AnRan paused, awkwardly smiling and turning his head, "Heh heh, boss, I promise, don't hit me when I tell you."