Chapter 203: Just to Beat You Up

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai had no idea that two opposing forces were preparing to strike him from behind.

However, he suddenly sighed.

"Ah, it's been weird these past few days. Why haven't those three buffoons appeared?" Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

Upon hearing about the three buffoons, AnRan's body shook violently.

While traveling with Jiang Xiaobai, he had been frightened twice by these three fools. Both times, an attack appeared out of nowhere, and AnRan had no time to react.

Jiang Xiaobai stood up in the nick of time, slashing apart the bandage-like hammers with a single sword blow, after which the three buffoons vanished.

They were like a stubborn plaster, never letting go.

What annoyed AnRan the most was that these three guys excelled in stealth techniques. Their stealth skills were so strong that even Dividing the Gods would struggle to detect them.

As a result, for a while there, AnRan was always on edge and dared not sleep.