Chapter 205: Who Leaked the News?

The unpredictable attack sent shivers down the spines of the five men in black.

But their rage was even more intense.

They no longer planned to chase anyone, they wanted to find the guy hiding in the shadows and give him a severe beating.

Unfortunately, the three fools, although notorious for their odd thinking, had some intellect.

They wisely chose not to reveal themselves at this time.

In this way, the five men held a standoff with the air. In the end, they decided to give up.

They could not find the person hidden in the dark. By now, some time had passed and Jiang Xiaobai had certainly managed to get quite far, making him impossible to catch.

"Damn it, we let him escape!"

The leader of the men in black cursed, turning to glance at his severely injured comrade, a sense of caution filled his eyes.