Chapter 214: Must Cause Trouble

Jiang Xiaobai knew that this woman was powerful, and he didn't want to let those guys off either, but he was helpless. After all, his strength couldn't match theirs.

He sighed, shaking his head, "Fatty, the first rule of survival is to back down when you must."

"Trying to act tough in such situations isn't bravery, it's courting death."

"However, sometimes, regardless of how brutal the situation, you can't back down or you would lose your pride, do you understand?"

AnRan nodded, with residual fear, and asked, "But Big Brother, I've noticed your enemies are getting more terrifying. Big Shots from the Tribulation period have even appeared. What kind of trouble did you get yourself into?"

"Who the fuck do I ask if you're asking me?"

Jiang Xiaobai's face was full of dismay, "What's a surprise? Ah, this must definitely be a surprise!"

"What the hell is all this?"

Even though he didn't enjoy fighting, it was okay.