Chapter 220: The Spoiled Princess Is About To Cry

On their way out of the scriptures archive, Jiang Xiaobai and his companions returned to the courtyard they had been before. Only then did an excited smile appear on Jiang Xiaobai's face.

We're almost there!

The two old men managed to drain all the spiritual energy from every artifact in the archive, but on the surface, everything seemed fine.

Only when you touched them would you be shocked to discover that the damn artifacts had turned into ashes!

Through communication with the old men, it was confirmed that the seal on the Abyss Rainbow was nearly unlocked, but due to absorbing too much, it would need some time to recover.

The Pagoda was also more than halfway there, its aura was even more powerful than before. The only regret was that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't use it.

Otherwise, when the Pagoda appears, even the Dividing Gods would have to run!

"Boss, we've gone through all this trouble for nothing, couldn't you at least score some loot?" AnRan was a little regretful.