Chapter 218: Isn't This Effortless Control?

"Feeling your stomach discomfort yet?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a grin.

Zhuang Huanling naturally felt it, she was already struggling to keep it in.

But how was a woman supposed to deal with such a situation in front of two men?

She could only hold it in, and Zhuang Huanling knew that this thing combined with spiritual power; the faster the spiritual power circulated, the quicker its effect hit.

"Hmm, I guess you can hold on for about ten more breaths."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly, "You have two choices now, one is to listen to me, and I'll give you the antidote. The second is also simple: just go somewhere and let it out."

"Don't worry, I won't peek."


Zhuang Huanling wanted to yell, but found that her anger ven worsened her discomfort.

No longer daring to speak, she could only stand grotesquely in place . Her posture was already off, she clenched her legs tightly, not daring to move or even breathe.