Chapter 238  Great Use of Frenzy Demon Stones!

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know the specific effects of the Frenzy Demon Stones, but he knew that absorbing them would help him understand.

Even though he didn't know Xiao Yuwei well, she definitely would not desire a stone with no significant benefits.

The only thing that worried Jiang Xiaobai was the possibility of side effects from absorbing the Frenzy Demon Stones.

Would it be more effective if the stone were absorbed in combination with something else, or was there another method of absorption?

The thought alone gave him a headache. The worry wasn't about potential side effects; with his resilience and the Alchemist Skill, even if there were, they'd be manageable.

He can handle it.

The fear comes from the uncertainty that he might fail to realize its important functions after absorbing it.

"Anything goes, just absorb it!"