Chapter 267 This Princess Agrees to Your Pursuit

Another one?

This makes two Ghost Mother Flowers!

Adding the one in Xiao Yuwei's storage ring, it's a total of three Ghost Mother Flowers!

Everyone was going mad at once. The powerful individuals from the other forces all turned their sights on Jiang Xiaobai, eyes blazing with lust.

They all wanted the Ghost Mother Flower too.

"Your Highness, how is your consideration going?" Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, smiling at Xiao Yuwei.

Xiao Yuwei finally snapped out of her immense shock. She looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a complicated expression.

She knew that this guy wasn't one to act rashly.

And now, Xiao Yuwei also understood Jiang Xiaobai's intentions. He wanted to benefit from this situation, which further confirmed her belief that Jiang Xiaobai was unwilling to work for her.

Naturally, she was unhappy with this realization.