Chapter 278: Make a Deal

Jiang Xiaobai was utterly stunned by the situation.

What the hell are you playing at?

I was all ready to go, and you show me this?

Wasn't the plan to ambush and obstruct Xiao Yuwei's opportunity? Why the heck did you just run off?

"Damn, is he messing with me?" mumbled Jiang Xiaobai.

At the same time, Xiao Yuwei, unopposed by anyone, had disappeared into the blue light, successfully entering secret area number one.

The crowd around sighed, looking somewhat disdainful.

On the other hand, seeing what Xiao Yuwei held, the descendants of the Thousand Yuan Dynasty turned an ugly shade of green.

"I didn't expect Seventeenth Sister to be so capable of managing to bring that Diamond Bracelet from Father."

Xiao Ruyu gritted her teeth, "With that Diamond Bracelet, I'm afraid no one can stop her."

Not far away, Xiao Wuwei was also gritting his teeth, clenching his fists, and his face was full of fury.