Chapter 286: Business Genius

Since his debut, he had never felt so humiliated.

The fury within his heart had reached an all-time high, and he really wanted to vent it out!

"Humph, just you all wait and see!"

Letting out an indignant snort, Xiao Wuwei led his followers away from the altar. He wanted to vent his anger, wanted to challenge someone to a one-on-one duel, and wanted to show no mercy. Only in this way could he ease the frustration in his heart.

Upon seeing Xiao Wuwei leave in a huff, Jiang Xiaobai scoffed dismissively.

"What a useless individual. If it weren't for his status as the Third Prince, I would've killed him many times over by now,"

"I have plenty of ways to handle you, each capable of killing you easily."

Jiang Xiaobai's voice was neither too loud nor too soft, and was heard by many. One by one, they felt chills run down their spines. They stepped back, wanting nothing to do with Jiang Xiaobai

They fear that his wrath would spill over onto them, and that would be bad luck!