Chapter 291: Who on earth is Hong Shixian?

What did you do?

Zhuang Huanling, of course, could not tell Gong Shuier, instead, she gritted her teeth and incessantly cursed at Jiang Xiaobai.

As Zhuang Huanling cursed, Gong Shuier was getting a splitting headache.

Others might not understand Zhuang Huanling's character, but Gong Shuier was very aware, especially knowing that although Zhuang Huanling loved to bully people and cause trouble, she was quite a strong individual.

Character wise, Zhuang Huanling was generally very steady. Even if she was facing great trouble, she would just furrow her eyebrows a bit.

As if no matter the situation, Zhuang Huanling was always able to solve it.

What Gong Shuier knew most clearly was Zhuang Huanling's identity. Apart from a few big shots in the Eastern Province, she was the only one who knew.

Given Zhuang Huanling's noble identity, she shouldn't be behaving this way.

The more Gong Shuier thought about it, the more curious she became.