Chapter 296: Sweeping All the Way

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai genuinely practicing three different techniques, the white-bearded old man was petrified on the spot as if he had seen a ghost.

Absolutely terrifying!

He's not human, definitely not human!

How could a human be so insightful?

The white-bearded old man then rushed over to Jiang Xiaobai, looking him over as if trying to confirm something.

"What are you doing, old man? I'm warning you, if you're an old creeper, I'm not playing with you."

"Old creeper?!"

The old man's face went red. Although he didn't understand the meaning of those words, he could infer from Jiang Xiaobai's disgusted expression.

"All I am doing is confirming that you're not of another race."

"Heh, you sure are worldly, knowing about the existence of other races," Jiang Xiaobai scorned.

The white-bearded old man shook his head, "You don't understand, the things I've seen in this world are beyond your imagination."

He then started to sigh deeply and nostalgically.