Chapter 315 - If you don't pass, you will die

After careful recall, Jiang Xiaobai finally settled his doubts.

If he hadn't run into this woman today who had admitted to having been on Bone Mountain before, Jiang Xiaobai might have dismissed his previous encounter as a hallucination.

But why would the woman from Bone Mountain appear here with such immense power?

Jiang Xiaobai knew there must be some secret to it, but he dared not ask, nor did he entertain the thought of probing her.

Joking aside, knowledge can get you killed faster!

That's the ironclad rule in novels, TV shows, and movies, without exception!

When facing such a tremendous power, Jiang Xiaobai would be cautious and humble, not daring to defy it needlessly.

Staying alive was already an extravagant hope!

"You seem nervous?"

A light chuckle came from the woman: "Don't be, I won't harm you. You have a great destiny about you and any harm toward you would bring misfortune upon me."

"It would be more profitable for me to butter you up."