Chapter 318: Understanding

He tried to activate his spiritual power, only to discover it was completely useless in this illusory world. His only option was to attempt utilizing his mental focus and sword intention.

While forming a protective shell with his sword intention should have been a simple task, he was finding it extraordinarily challenging here.

The moment Jiang Xiaobai released his sword intention, he felt as if it were rapidly freezing.

The consequence of freezing was shattering!

If his sword intention failed to protect him, he would be done for!

Jiang Xiaobai truly believed this would be his fate if his sword intention failed, he didn't want to die, hence he was pushing himself to the edge, desperately concentrating on solidifying his sword intention.

Fortunately, the epiphanies he had experienced previously had already boosted the potency of his sword intention somewhat, yet all this was only buying him a little more time.