Chapter 320: It's Time to Leave

He really had no plans to eliminate the three of them.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai felt these three men could be of great help to him!

Their ability to stay undercover was indeed impressive, even though they were rather straightforward and simple-minded, or in other words, dim-witted.

If they were too concerned about their employer's mission and insisted on challenging him, there would be nothing he could do.

However, one should never underestimate the intelligence of a dim-wit!

Knowing that powerful figure Gu Ning was nearby, they started loudly discussing their options under the threat of certain death if they declined.

"Big brother, his proposal seems somewhat acceptable," Hu San suggested.

"Yeah big brother, it seems beneficial to us. Also, following this guy around all this time has been a waste," Hu Er hastily added.

Hu Da narrowed his eyes: "So, we should accept it then?"

"Big brother, you're so wise!"

"Big brother, you're superb!"