Chapter 328: Absolute Pretense, Deadly in the Deadliest

Jiang Xiaobai stood stunned in place, he hadn't anticipated such a scenario at all. He had only planned to subtly manipulate the situation to his advantage, and now, instead of flying under the radar, all eyes were on him.

All of a sudden, everyone was staring at him, making it awkward to make a move.

Feeling the intense gazes, and a twinge of jealousy from the crowd that slightly stung his back, Jiang Xiaobai fought the urge to show off. Instead, he remained nonchalant, as if nothing out of the ordinary was occurring.

This only served to make people twitch in annoyance.

The once-popular saying—subtle arrogance is the most lethal—had now changed because of Jiang Xiaobai's actions.

Now it was—"acting unassuming is the deadliest deadly!"

All of them felt as if they had sustained a million points of damage. How could one person be so favored by so many treasures?