Chapter 330: Sentimental

In the dense forest of the mountains, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers and birdsong, sunlight filtered through the gaps in the foliage. This place was peaceful.

Sitting facing each other, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan had before them slices of sashimi fashioned from Salmon Dragon King. With delicious wine and roast meat at their side, anyone not knowing their circumstances would think they were on vacation.

After joyfully popping a slice of fish into his mouth and savoring the sweet, tender flavor, as well as feeling the surge of spirit energy rushing into his meridians and Dantian, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but exclaim in satisfaction.

Unable to resist, he had yet another piece.

"Fatty, what are your plans for the future?" Jiang Xiaobai asked AnRan between bites of fish.

"Me? Boss, what are your plans?"