Chapter 338: The Pitiful Iron Dance Lady

Jiang Xiaobai was unaware of the significant events taking place in Central Zhou in the Eastern Region.

He and AnRan, the rotund lad, began their journey on a forest path, trekking day and night towards Four Seas City.

They managed to reach Four Seas City by nightfall and, prior to entering the city, both donned disguises which bore no resemblance to their appearances on wanted posters.

It's worth mentioning that as Jiang Xiaobai entered Four Seas City, he expected to be checked due to his black cloak, worn to mask his identity as Iron Mask. However, despite preparing himself for it, surprisingly no one came to inspect him.

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt as if he had unbuttoned his pants only to joke about it.

Though curious, he decided not to meddle in others' affairs.

Not being interrogated was a good thing. Why overthink it?