Chapter 344: The Song Family Siblings

Pretending to be one from the Dragon Valley, that's really a big deal.

Dragon Valley is a formidable force in the Eastern Region, a superpower that no other force in the Central State of the Eastern Territory can match. If they were to find out about this impersonation...

Tsk, tsk, tsk, the consequences would be unthinkable.

At this moment, the man dares not speak, fearing that if he says another word, AnRan will expose them. But on second thought, there was no point in it.

After all, standing right in front of them was a genuine representative of Dragon Valley.

"Alright everyone, disperse. If today's affairs pleased you, feel free to stop by Anwu Family and grace us with your patronage," AnRan unabashedly called out to the crowd.

The people around nodded and smiled in agreement. Regardless of AnRan's status, just the presence of someone from Dragon Valley is enough to shock them.