Chapter 358: Seeing Virtue Again

"So tell me, how am I despicable? How did I trick you?"

Jiang Xiaobai said, annoyed.

AnRan looked displeased, he crossed his arms and didn't want to cast a look at Jiang Xiaobai.

Others might not know, but AnRan clearly remembers what had happened in the Mad Demon Secret Land.

Jiang Xiaobai had virtually monopolized all the benefits, not only did he trick all the geniuses who entered the Mad Demon Secret Land with him, some of them even had to help count his money after being duped!

When it comes to causing trouble and making money, AnRan was simply no match for him.

Knowing the truth about the secret land, AnRan firmly refused his parents' proposal. It was a joke. If all the treasures found are to belong to Jiang Xiaobai, then they of the An Family were basically there for a day trip.

They wouldn't get anything at all.

This Jiang Xiaobai, is blatantly duping people!