Chapter 364: Capital Verification

However, whether it be his words or his demeanor, Jiang Xiaobai has a unique aura that clearly indicates his extraordinary identity to discerning people.

So, the three of them did not reject Jiang Xiaobai's goodwill either. They nodded in agreement, displaying their sincerity in turn.

"But Void Prince, today is a significant day. Why don't we go to the auction site first to see what's going on?"

Qiu Zixuan suddenly chuckled, "I heard that not just anyone can attend this auction. They even assess your wealth before giving you a chair."

While it seemed that she was kindly reminding him, Jiang Xiaobai understood that this woman's intentions were not so simple and that she was subtly probing him.

After all, in such scenarios, it's difficult to determine who is causing a disturbance.

However, he needed just this kind of test.