Chapter 372 - It Really is You

Jiang Xiaobai casually handed the sleazy man a storage ring, containing several hundred thousand high-quality Ling Shi.

Following that, without any hesitation, he began collecting the spiritual medicines into his bag, simultaneously calculating in his heart the quantity of elixir he could make.

Quickly, Jiang Xiaobai picked all the spiritual medicines, leaving him feeling a bit incredulous, as if he was dreaming.

Based on his knowledge, these spiritual medicines were extremely advanced. He feared that such medicines shouldn't appear on the Tianxuan Continent.

Gu Ning, who was by his side, also wore a solemn expression.

She too felt a unique aura from these things. She had seen many treasures and spiritual medicines during her years on the continent, yet she had never encountered something as strange as this.

Subconsciously, Gu Ning looked towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"Everything happened because of you…"

"It really is you..."

Gu Ning quietly thought to herself.