Chapter 376: Buy, Buy, Buy

To Gu Leng, Jiang Xiaobai appeared to play the fool.

He was filthy rich, like a fat lamb ready to be slaughtered.

Especially when Jiang Xiaobai bid without thinking, essentially skyrocketing prices. If someone said ten million, he might instantly raise it to fifty million.

Which auction house wouldn't love a man like this?

However, below the stage, Jiang Xiaobai didn't look like someone who'd casually spent billions of top-quality spirit stones. He sat leisurely, with an amused look on his face.

He appeared like a rich young master having a grand time here.

Standing beside him, Wenwen was utterly speechless at Jiang Xiaobai's behavior.

No wonder he refused her acquisition proposal back then; this guy was loaded!

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai's extravagant behavior was merely amusing and a topic of idle discussion; Wenwen and others didn't take it seriously.

But as time passed, Wenwen was dumbstruck.