Chapter 381: The End

"Who are you?"

Jiang Xiaobai was cautious of the mysterious figure that appeared suddenly. He had just grabbed a great number of treasures, and if this person had any unsavory intentions towards him, it wouldn't spell anything good.

"Void Prince, don't worry, I mean no harm."

The masked person chuckled lightly, and her voice was gentle, indicating she was a woman.

"I'm just interested in you, Void Prince. I've heard you like to make friends, so I decided to pay you a visit."

"If you're free, you can find me in Qingxuan City, in Zijing Pavilion. I will be waiting for your arrival."

With that, the person in black gave Jiang Xiaobai a token as a form of promise.

Then she simply left.

This made Jiang Xiaobai somewhat puzzled. Gu Ning attested that the token was not problematic; it was just a simple token.

Looking at the token in his hand, it was made from purple wood, and on it was a gilded character—'Purple'.

This must be the token of Zijing Pavilion.