Chapter 388: West Wind City

This sight certainly astounded Jiang Xiaobai and Gu Ning.

They knew that this Blood Warrior was controlled by the ancient tribe's special methods, and under normal circumstances, her actions were absolutely prohibited.

But to their surprise, the Blood Warrior before them could still exhibit such behaviour of turning against her master. It was truly horrifying.

No wonder the ancient tribe decided to sell this Blood Warrior.

"No, this Blood Warrior isn't completely under control, she... "

Gu Ning suddenly narrowed her eyes. "She seems to have been struggling to break free all this time, she doesn't care about the backlash that might occur during her struggle, she'd rather die than continue to be restrained?"

As soon as she finished speaking, blood started to emerge from the corners of the Blood Warrior's mouth. Not only that, blood was also seeping out from some of the pores on her body.

The sight was extremely terrifying.