Chapter 403 - Have A Good Drink

What did they see?

The face of that man matched exactly with the wanted notice!

Especially the youthful man beside Mo Yu, his eyes widened in shock when he saw Jiang Xiaobai, like he had seen a ghost. More than that, his face went instantly red.

Kidding aside, it was embarrassing for anyone to pretend to be someone in front of the real person!

"'re Jiang Xiaobai?"

"The same Jiang Xiaobai who was wanted by the Gu tribe and caused a lot of chaos in the Eastern Province?"

Mo Yu was astounded.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded his head, "Yes, that's me."

At this, Mo Yu and the others immediately let down their guard.

As enemies of the Gu tribe, it was natural to know about them. Mo Yu had been collecting information about the Gu tribe for half a year, and he had been paying special attention to those who were enemies of the Gu tribe as well.

He was obviously aware of Jiang Xiaobai.