Chapter 410 Among the Ancient Clans

Across from them stood the forces of the Sacred City. They were all dressed in pure white battle robes. Their leader was an old man, radiating the cultivation of a mid-phase Jie-du cultivator. Behind him, at least ten cultivators of the initial Jie-du stage stood.

Also among them were a multitude of young men and women. Apart from the first woman who donned a white battle robe, everyone else had a variation of clothing and visible emotions.

Like GuBei, all these youths were recruited from various places by the War God Hall and had to pay a great price for this opportunity.

Pretty much, every prodigy and monster from the Eastern Domain was here.

"Hehe, Heng Heng, long time no see." Elder of Heavenly King Hall, King Li, said with a faint smile to Master Heng Heng.

"Elder Li, the last time we saw each other was hundreds of years ago. It really has been a long time. This time you're visiting our Hai Xianzong, I, as the host, must treat you to a good meal."