Chapter 413: Caught Up

If Jiang Xiaobai had a panoramic map at this moment, he would see himself at once being the epicentre of countless red dots spreading out like radar from all around him on the map.

All of them were after him!

The scene was reminiscent of a cat chasing a mouse. They were the ones being chased and the larger environment was merely being used to trap the prey.

Without a good counter-strategy, if they continued their haphazard routes within Northern State, being caught would be only a matter of time.

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the choices!"

"Choice one: Stop running, admit defeat, and get rewarded with twenty years of cultivation progress."

"Choice two: Ensure to escape for ten days without being caught. Reward: one hundred points of prestige, A Strand of Merit, and a hundred years of cultivation."

"Choice three: Flee all the way to the Central State of the Eastern Region without time limit. Reward: five hundred points of prestige, and a power of a rule!"