Chapter 425 - Truly Lost Face

He had no idea about the rank of this treasure, but its power and aura were terrifying to the extreme.

Seeing this, Gu Heng couldn't help but swallow a gulp of saliva, to be honest, he was a bit uneasy.

Although the spell array he had laid out this time was the strongest trap of the Ancient tribes which was more than enough to trap a Half-Step Cross Tribulation master, it evidenced its strength.

But Jiang Xiaobai is a fucking freak!

He didn't even know where this creature had popped out from, with a staggering number of tricks up his sleeve, the golden tower was even more terrifying.

If this thing could indeed break the spell array, things would get completely out of hand.

You must know that to deploy such a spell, Gu Heng had staked the Ancient tribe's survival on it, after all, the horrifying array exhausted a tremendous amount of energy, being one of the treasure of the Ancient tribe.