Chapter 434: Hammering GuBei, Gods and Demons Tremble!


Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's reckless behavior, GuBei couldn't help but sneer repeatedly. Despite his cultivation only at the peak of the Dividing the gods phase, his actual combat power was not to be underestimated, capable of fighting late stage Fusion experts.

Jiang Xiaobai was not even worth mentioning to GuBei!

Next, GuBei snorted coldly, stopping those ancient tribe masters who wanted to rush up and fight. A godly sword appeared in his hand, aiming straight at Jiang Xiaobai for a strike.

The sword's power was astounding, seemingly capable of slicing mountains and splitting lakes.

Merely in the Dividing the gods phase, yet able to unleash an attack of Late Stage Fusion strength!

"Jiang Xiaobai, you trash, you think you're worthy to fight with this holy son?"

"You dare to rush up like this, even seeking death has a method, since that's the case, this holy son will now fulfill you!"

"Die, trash, Ao Yan, can only be my, GuBei's, woman."