Chapter 442: If you are like this, none of us will have food to eat.

Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan were unfazed by the crane's behavior. They were both aware of the crane's mysterious nature. However, Ao Yan looked on with knitted brows and a wary demeanor.

She was extremely cautious around the crane, as though she was afraid it would harm Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing Ao Yan's reaction touched Jiang Xiaobai, but he still spoke up.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"Really?" Ao Yan furrowed her brows, still somewhat skeptical.

"Really, I'm fine. If he was hostile toward me, why would he have helped us?" Jiang Xiaobai reassured her with a relaxed smile, reaching out to touch her face.

Normally such a move would be a death wish, but this time Ao Yan only blushed a bit without dodging, and she didn't even resist Jiang Xiaobai.

This reaction made him tremendously excited.

"Wow, when did my relationship with Ao Yan progress to this point?!"

He had no idea that ever since he left the Dragon Valley, Ao Yan's attitude towards him had been changing.