Chapter 446 - Ahead of Schedule

Ao Yan absolutely did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to still think about herself in such a situation.

Despite being wanted and hunted by many who were stronger than him, he still managed to prepare numerous small gifts for her.

This was enough to show Jiang Xiaobai's feelings for her!

Of course, she won't deny being touched, but as Jiang Xiaobai said, Ao Yan was a woman who was cold outside and warm inside.

Especially in front of so many people, Ao Yan would never display overt enthusiasm, at most thanking him.

And this thank you has already brought Jiang Xiaobai thousands of surprises!

"Hehe, there's no need to thank. Aren't we a couple? Saying those things is so unaccustomed?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and continued to test Ao Yan's boundaries.

Ao Yan just gave him a glare, her face flushing, but she didn't say anything or take any action and just accepted it as it was!

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai was already filled with contentment!