Chapter 448: Huseng's Secret?

A man and a woman laugh lightly, seizing Hu Sheng's arm directly. No matter how hard he struggles, it's all in vain because Hu Sheng has also just cultivated his Qi sense!

He even can't channel the Qi into his body, and furthermore, he is just a kid, certainly no match for two middle-staged Fusion experts.

Without any resistance, they easily capture Hu Sheng, tie him up, and begin walking outside.

"Mission accomplished. I hope we didn't get the wrong person this time."

"We shouldn't have. The bloodline disk pointed us here, and this little guy is the only odd thing in this junk store."

"It's a pity. This kid has good aptitude for cultivation. I wonder what they want with this little guy."

As the two softly chat, just as they turn a corner, they are suddenly faced with a man in black.

This man is cloaked in a black robe, his cultivation level is not clear, but the intense killing intent he radiates is frighteningly palpable!
