Chapter 452: Discussing Important Matters

Inside the Golden Pavilion, Qian Dabao is constantly pacing back and forth with his chubby figure, while Lu Lian wrinkles his brows on the side.

It seemed like he's quite irritated by Qian Dabao's manner.

"I mean, why are you so anxious? What if Mister Ironface is busy with something?"

"Stop swaying around here, it's annoying to watch!"

Upon hearing this, Qian Dabao's eyes popped open. He gazed at Lu Lian and pointed at his own nose.

"I'm annoying? How about you, look how rapidly you are spinning that walnut in your hand. It's so annoying!"

A look of embarrassment crept onto Lu Lian's face.

In reality, both men were extremely anxious. After the last visit of the mysterious Mister Ironface, he said he would meet Qian Mu, and the members of the Qian Family in three days.

And he claimed there were significant matters to discuss.

Okay, the message was passed on, and people from the Qian Family arrived the very day, waiting for Mister Ironface.