Chapter 464: Let's Give It a Try

The three fell silent.

Yes, indeed, even if one possessed great cultivation skills, if one couldn't find a way out, one would only die trapped here!

When your lifespan ends, after thousands or even tens of thousands of years, you will die like this.

This is the most despairing thing!

Being hunted to death by others is nothing compared to the despair and resentment of this situation!

Then, the old man started to chat with the three of them, through which Jiang Xiaobai learned about the situation in this place.

The old man's name was Xu Sanshi. This strange place was near the Northern State of the Eastern Region, close to the edge of the Holy City. At that time, Xu Sanshi's strength had reached the peak of the Fusion phase. He had heard about the Holy Realm and intended to try his luck there.

But before he even reached the Holy City, he encountered a high-level ambush. Unable to fight back, he had no choice but to flee. In his panic, he didn't know where he was running to.