Chapter 471: That's Not Right

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was so angry at himself he could slap himself.

If he had known earlier how terrifying this secret treasure was, he would have risked everything to take it away and used up all its essence on the spot, thereby increasing his strength to a certain extent.

Then the consequent pursuit would have been much easier to resolve!

However, Jiang Xiaobai also understood that whatever happened had been predestined, and what was missed was missed.

Looking at the numerous treasures in his hands, he was even unsure of how to distribute them.

After careful considerations, Jiang Xiaobai then showed a smile on his face.

"If I use all of these up, I might be able to break through to... the later stage of crossing the calamity?"

The vast amount of essence and other things inside it were all beneficial to enhancing Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation.

He could even eat the immortality pills, even poison pills!