Chapter 473: Persuasion

Zhuang Huanling's state of shock surprised everyone.

Since she entered the Dragon Valley, apart from her initial excitement today and two trips to Tianyuan City with Anran and Ao Cheng, she has been mostly inconspicuous.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others were always out training or in the War God's space.

She hardly ever spoke, her sudden appearance was unexpected.

"Why are you so agitated?" AnRan asked puzzled.

Zhuang Huanling rolled her eyes at him: "How can I not be agitated? That's a powerful sect in the central region of the Holy City."

"If you, Sister Ao Yan, can join them and become an inner disciple, Dragon Valley will quickly rise to an extraordinary power!"

People generally believe Zhuang Huanling's words.

After all, they know how strong the sects that can survive in the central region of the Holy City are.

But Ao Yan didn't seem interested.