Chapter 479: Current Situation in Northern State

Within the territories of Northern State, utter chaos reigned presently.

Many factions were waging a crazy war against each other, you attack me today, I retaliate tomorrow.

Some even united many powers to assault a single faction.

Nobody knew what was happening. Not long after Jiang Xiaobai had caused a commotion in Northern State by stirring trouble within the ancient clans, the entire Northern State had plunged into such confusion.

Now within the territories of Northern State, the devastation caused by battles could be seen everywhere.

When Jiang Xiaobai and the others entered Northern State and saw this, they too were stunned.

"What's going on? Why does Northern State look like a war zone right now?"

While passing through the ruins, AnRan finally couldn't help but ask.

They had seen many such scenes of destruction on their way, and encountered several ongoing battles.

The more they witnessed this, the heavier Jiang Xiaobai's heart became.