Chapter 488: Since You've Come, Why Not SIt Down?

The dark aura faded away, unveiling three figures covered from head to toe in black robes facing everyone.

It's the people from Zijing Pavilion!

"Everyone, this is Zijing Pavilion. Could you please show some respect and fight outside instead of here?"

The black-robed figure who took the lead spoke indifferently, indeed it was a woman.

The Creepy Dude stared at them intently.

"Even if they are from Zijing Pavilion, anyone who dares to hinder me today must die!"

This is ridiculous. He had spent so much effort to find out Jiang Xiaobai's location. If he let this bastard escape again, catching him wouldn't be easy.

Jiang Xiaobai would become alert to his actions; such a good opportunity wouldn't come again!

That thing was the treasured material required by the Emperor Superior.

The orders of the Emperor Superior held more weight than the heavens!

If he failed to complete the task, he would die!