Chapter 493: Where in the World is Such Good Fortune?

The middle-aged man's face was icy, and while his aura was restrained, it was also incredibly frightening!

Upon seeing him, Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes too.

He had seen many masters at the later stage of Crossing Disasters in the War God Space, where everyone was a genius among geniuses, and the aura they projected was extremely horrifying.

But this middle-aged man's aura was as terrifying as those geniuses!

It was enough to showcase his powerful strength.

However, Jiang Xiaobai wasn't worried that the man would threaten him. What he was wary of was the power backing the man!

"Who the hell are you? I advise you to mind your own business!" The burly man angrily chided upon noticing another person interrupting him.

He felt his dignity was greatly insulted today!

So what if the other party was a master at the later stage of Crossing Disasters?

Didn't he have plenty of men here?