Chapter 499: Secret Realm

After visiting the Mad Demon Secret Land once, he knew that all places considered as secret lands were indeed filled with numerous opportunities!

It could be treasures left behind by great masters, or it could be trials for inheritance.

But more often, it was because the conditions within the secret land were special, forming a world of its own, from which endless benefits could be obtained simply by being there.

No matter how you looked at it, entering a secret land meant the opportunity to enhance your power. That was certain!

Jiang Xiaobai stood up quickly and followed AnRan out.

As they walked, he asked, "What is the level of your Yuan Spirit engraving?"

"My mother has told me about it. You must engrave your Yuan Spirit to the maximum level. My mother has set a rule for me, every time I reinforce my Yuan Spirit, even the slightest improvement means endless benefits, and the minimum is to break through the Great Achievement realm," he replied.