Chapter 502: Speculation

The subsequent exploration indirectly confirmed Jiang Xiaobai's conjecture.

This place really was the backyard garden of some person or power, as they once again encountered a Ling medicine garden!

However, these Ling medicines were not highly advanced, just some common basic ones, but their growth time was truly terrifying.

The efficacy of the medicines had reached its peak. Jiang Xiaobai casually picked a little Ling medicine and stashed it away, continuing his exploration.

He was eager to find the location of Ao Yan and the others, but he had almost covered half of this secret space and could not see any trace of the trio.

Moreover, along the way, although there were many good things, they were not as exaggerated as what Mu Qingyu had said before.

"Now the only area left to search is the east, let's go and see, if..."

Zhuang Huanling spoke, leaving the rest of her words unspoken.

No one wanted to hear words of defeat.