Chapter 504: The System's Benefits Are Spot On

Although the number of people in this black hall was not large, they were all recognized faces, who had witnessed numerous great events in their lives.

Yet they swore that they had never witnessed such a scene in their lifetime!

How could two people simply start to kiss on the spot?

Were they completely ignoring everyone else present?

"This is outrageous, totally excessive!"

"Damn, are these two mocking that I've never even held a woman's hand in my life?"

"I suddendly feel so jealous, what should I do? The more jealous I am, the more I want to watch."

"Damn it, wish I hadn't seen this without paying."

People murmured in argument, their faces filled with resentment.

Many had a fiery glaze in their eyes as they pointed their looks at Jiang Xiaobai and Ao Yan.

This was too much tyranny.

Even Ao Cheng and Anran, who were standing aside, were taken aback by the scene.

Ao Yan herself hadn't reacted, not knowing why Jiang Xiaobai had suddenly done this.