Chapter 508: Kill, Kill, Kill!

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes slightly.

No need to mention that he probably knew this was deliberately created by the environment, Jiang Xiaobai originally didn't want to interfere.

After all, admitting that everything was illusionary would ultimately affect his peace of mind!

But the woman was identical to Ao Yan, even their names were the same!

Moreover, those thugs pinned her down. Jiang Xiaobai could guess what would happen next.

"Illusion, oh illusion. Are you messing with me?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, suddenly standing up.

A surge of anxiety overwhelmed him once again.

Despite knowing this was just an illusion, this woman, who looked exactly like Ao Yan, drew him in.

This was what his wife looked like, after all!

Jiang Xiaobai hurled a ball of spiritual energy at those punks. They were instantly pulverised.

He then appeared directly in front of the woman.

"You…thank you..."