Chapter 513: Half of the Technique

Everyone in the Mad Demon Secret Land was angry because Jiang Xiaobai had discovered the treasure alone. However, Jiang Xiaobai himself was just wandering around inside the black castle.

Apart from the main hall they entered initially, there was nothing else of value inside the castle. They saw a lot of household items, but no treasures.

The people around him looked bored after realizing this.

Ao Cheng even wanted to leave.

"Jiang Xiaobai, how about we leave? There's nothing interesting here, and there's a good chance that the people outside might come over." he suggested.

"Besides, the Secret Land doesn't close until later. If we continue to waste time here, it could be dangerous."

Ao Cheng said, yawning at Jiang Xiaobai.

From the outside, the castle didn't look big, but the space inside was huge. They had been walking for quite some time, over ten minutes, and they had only toured the third floor!