Chapter 521: Sinister Plot


Upon seeing this, Mo Yu urgently shouted out.

But Mo Feng had already lost control of the rampaging power inside him, how could he still possess the strength to confront this opponent?


His opponent, a robust youth, took his chance to throw a punch, directly crushing Mo Feng's breastbone!

At the same time, Mo Feng's body was also sent flying backwards, slamming fiercely into the ground beneath the stage.

Immediately, the surrounding crowd rushed over to check on him, with Mo Yu being the first at Mo Feng's side, frantically examining him.

But when she started her examination, she was instantly shocked!

Mo Feng had been poisoned!

And the poison was extremely potent, continually gnawing at Mo Feng's heart!

If this continues, Mo Feng will no doubt be dead within ten minutes!