Chapter 535: A Wonderful Idea

Jiang Xiaobai hadn't expected White Crane to be so generous and decisive.

He remembered trying to ask White Crane more questions, but the guy was always secretive and wouldn't give straight answers.

But now, it was even better than Jiang Xiaobai expected!

He had planned on spending the next few days pushing his strength up a notch, but now White Crane had given him the World Stone, helping him complete his task ahead of schedule!

This allowed him to step up even more!

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. My initial thought was to give you two World Stones, but since you've been so generous, I'll actually share some good news with you."

Jiang Xiaobai found himself twitching in surprise.

This damn White Crane, messing with him like this, so annoying!

"Correction, it's two pieces of news."