Chapter 540: What does it mean to kill and punish the heart?

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai charging at them with their own eyes, the three of them were terrified, their scalps tingling, and every single hair on their bodies standing on end!

Terror, the terror of death!

Jian Wuhui was the first to react, he was not willing to die under Jiang Xiaobai's sword just like that!

"Starry Swordsmanship!"

Suddenly, Jian Wuhui roared with courage, mobilizing all his spiritual power to confront Jiang Xiaobai head-on!

But what no one expected was that when Jian Wuhui applied all he had learned throughout his life, he astonishingly failed to block Jiang Xiaobai's effortless stab.


Jian Wuhui's attack had no effect on Jiang Xiaobai whatsoever. On the contrary, Jiang Xiaobai's sword effortlessly pierced through his energy center.

He instantly felt like a deflated balloon, with a somewhat shrinking feeling.

At that instant, a flood of emotions welled up in his heart. Jian Wuhui understood; this was deep despair.